Last update: 17/06/2021

I always struggle with remembering the IDEs shortcuts, thus, this blog/short documentation.

VS Code

  • Comment block of code

Mac: cmd + /

and same to remove the comments form block

  • Select multiple instances of same word shift + cmd + L


  • Command Pallet: For some packages, it is necessary to access command pallet, thus, use the following command

Shift + Cmd + P

  • Tab: Add tab to code

Left tab

Mac: cmd + ]

Right tab

Mac: cmd + [

  • Comments: Comments block of code.

Mac: cmd + /

  • Regex: Find space between 2 set of characters, first start search option (ctrl + f), then click the “Use Regex” [ .* ] on the status bar. Now you can use the following regex expression.
\b \b

where \b is word boundary, read more about Atom regex in this nice documentation and also see this blog

  • Browser Plus: Open webpage in Browser Plus (you need to install package Browser Plus). Following is the shortcut to open an html page in Browser Plus.

ctrl + alt + o

  • Project Manager: Package Project Manager is a nice tool to switch between projects quickly. Once install, you can access Project Manger package by (a) opening “Packages” menu and click “Project Manager” or by using the following shortcut.

Mac: cmd + p

  • Markdown blockquote select text and press
    1. CMD + Shift + L
    2. Left arrow
    3. Shit + >


  • Code comment: For line comments

Mac: cmd + /

For block comment

Mac: alt + cmd + /