Script&debug is all about my daily experience and interaction with different languages, libraries, frameworks and software. I work with python, php, Javascript, gdal, OpenLayers, Extjs, GeoExt, jQuery, Mapfish, Django, PostgreSQL, mySQL, QGIS, GeoServer, R etc.
- Using Continuumio Docker image for python anaconda3
- Solve Pip error “No module named helpers” on mac
- Django app using M2M relationship models
- Field Papers part 2
- Summery of Zonal, Focal, local and Global operations
- Google Earth Engine plugin
- Generate random points in QGIS and export as GPX
- Gdal commands
- IDE shortcuts
- Common CLI Commands
- Field Papers
- Band combination for Landsat and Sentinel 2
- Download Landsat Images by using Python script
- OziExplorerCE
- Bitnami and mySQL
- Simple site using github
- About
If anything here is confusing (or wrong!), or if I’ve missed important details, please submit an issue.
Note: This blog website is based on a repository on github.
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